Movie at the aiguamolls
'Between Heaven and Earth "is a documentary project that wants to portray this story to celebrate the 30th anniversary of fact which culminated in the struggle of these young people: the creation by the Parliament of Catalonia Natural Park Aiguamolls of October 1983, one of the most important bird reserves in southern Europe. Documentary makers have launched a crowdfunding campaign through Verkami to raise 12,000 euros to complete and enhance the documentary.
Link information:
Link of the movie:!eecilt/c1t0l
Link of the pic:
In my opinion this very well have made a documentary about the protection Aiguamolls because all the tourists do not consider the importance of a Aiguamoll.
Benvinguts/des a la pàgina del treball de recerca de l'equip base 3 de 4t ESO, format per Luis Barrios, Julia Tortosa, Albert Garcia i Adrian Ventajas. El nostre treball es basa en els aiguamolls. La feina està distribuïda de la següent manera. Albert: Treballarà la Flora, formacions i orígens i literatura Luis: Tractarà amb els esports, cinema i arquitectura. Adrian : Explicarà el context geogràfic, fauna i pintura. Júlia: Treballarà la música, diccionari de llengües i tradicions i costums.
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